The Fragrance-Free Revolution: Top 3 Reasons to go with Allergy Friendly Vacations

Fragrances have become an integral part of our daily lives. From body lotions and soaps to household cleaners, manufacturers often infuse products with what they think are pleasant scents to entice consumers. While these fragrances may make us think something is cleaner - do they really?

Let’s explore the top three reasons why these fragrance in fact are not making us nor our world cleaner - and how removing fragrances from body products and cleaners can have significant benefits for our health and the environment.

1. Reducing Allergic Reactions and Sensitivities

Fragrances, whether natural or synthetic, can be a common trigger for allergies and sensitivities. People with sensitive skin, asthma, allergies or chemical sensitivities often experience adverse reactions when exposed to fragranced products. The harsh chemicals used to create synthetic scents can cause skin irritations, rashes, headaches or migraines and respiratory problems in susceptible individuals.

What is more is many individuals could reduce or perhaps eliminate most of their allergies if they reduced their exposure to the plethora of chemical scents in their day-to-day life. When the body gets overloaded by these fragrances, and then has to deal with nature’s over abundance of pollen in Spring - the recipe is one for unnecessary discomfort and more.

Moreover, some fragrance compounds can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contributing to indoor air pollution. Long-term exposure to VOCs can lead to a myriad of health issues, including headaches, dizziness, and respiratory illnesses. By eliminating fragrances from body products and cleaners, we can create a safer and healthier environment for everyone, especially those with pre-existing sensitivities.

Fragranced products are far from making us “cleaner”. In fact many believe, besides the negative health effects, these fragrances just mask odors instead of making things clean or eliminating the reason for the odor all together.

2. Preserving Indoor Air Quality

The air inside our homes can be significantly more polluted than the air outside, primarily due to the use of fragranced products. Many household cleaners, air fresheners, and personal care items release volatile chemical, or VOCs, into the air, contributing to indoor air pollution. This can lead to a condition known as "sick building syndrome," characterized by various symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and respiratory discomfort.

Removing fragrances from body products and cleaners can help improve indoor air quality and reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals - such as EDCs, or hormone disrupting chemicals that cause havoc on our health (more on this in the next post!). Opting for fragrance-free alternatives can mitigate the negative impact on respiratory health and overall well-being, especially for children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing respiratory conditions.

Once again, these highly fragranced scents do not contribute to our world around us being cleaner…and you guessed it! May just be masking odors instead of curing them.

After just one night of sleep my wife and I are breathing better, easier!
— An Allergy Friendly Stays Airbnb Guest, Sept '22

3. Supporting Environmental Conservation

The environmental impact of fragrances extends beyond the products themselves. The production and disposal of synthetic fragrance compounds can lead to environmental pollution and harm ecosystems. The extraction of natural fragrance ingredients can also contribute to deforestation and the exploitation of biodiversity.

By choosing fragrance-free body products and cleaners, we can take a significant step towards reducing our ecological footprint. Fragrance-free products often utilize simpler, environmentally friendly formulations that are less harmful during their production and disposal. Additionally, by supporting companies that prioritize eco-friendly practices, we can encourage the adoption of sustainable alternatives across the industry.

Fragranced products are certainly not helping our carbon footprint.


As you can see, removing fragrances from body products and cleaners is a small yet powerful step we can take to safeguard our health and the environment - while actually making us cleaner. By opting for fragrance-free alternatives, we can protect ourselves and others from allergic reactions and sensitivities, reduce our allergies and hormone disturbances, enhance indoor air quality, and contribute to environmental conservation efforts.

As consumers, we have the power to drive positive change in the market by choosing products that prioritize safety, health, and sustainability. So, let's embrace the fragrance-free revolution, pave the way for a healthier and greener future - and travel the Allergy Friendly Stays way!


Allergy Friendly Vacations are Better for Our Hormones


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